Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Evening to all you bloggers....

These days I am working a lot more than playing, but I'm super psyched about all the new things going on.  First off, guest writers as well as I will be contributing to the blog weekly, but I will be sending out a monthly newsletter to the masses.  I don't want to be blamed for "spaming" people's inboxes...so if you like what you read here then by all means please please please check it frequently, but if you would be more inclined to do the monthly thing - then just email me at christine@marchuska.com so I can add you to the monthly newsletter and make sure not to send you updates inbetween ;)

Well, I have some SUPER exciting news.  You must check out the blog so you can see the darling christine dress that will be coming to a store near you in the next few weeks.  It currently is being manufactured in our beloved NYC...so you fashionistas will be able to get your hands on it sooner than later.  Okay - that was just a little teaser for the big news though......drum roll please...... ShorThing headed up by that hottie Frieda Shor will now be handling all of the Marchuska PR and marketing!!!!  I hope everyone is as psyched as I am about this.  Frieda is basically as qualified as it gets....I mean who has 3,000++++ friends on facebook anyways ;)  So stay tuned for awesome stuff on the Marchuska/Shor horizon...

Alright that's it that's all....

Ciao darlings,

1 comment:

Frieda said...

Woah. Thank You Ever So Much Christine. You will be paid the fee we discussed earlier, in addition to a bonus for unexpected flattery that may find me my future husband--if he has left Mars and re-routed from the original Pluto-Meet Plan, to the JUST MEET ME AT STAHHBUCKS, OKAY???
I definitely am a HUGE fan/air conditioner of the Marchuska Line, and I'm sure you have all guessed why-It's so goshdarn hard to pronounce the name! ;-) Actually, I have worn the tees, and they feel like you are barely wearing anything.Mmhmm...OKAY, GUYS, MOVE BACK!!!I RETRACT PRIOR COMMENT...SHEESH!!!(It's so lightweight it's like second sk-NEVA MIND WHAT I SAID!!! TAKE THREE HUGE STEPS BACK!!!)
These days we definitely don't need to inform you that there is NO ozone layer (Well, on top of my head for sure. All that hair spray when I was younger...Eradicated it all. It's like a bald spot in the Ozone.)As someone who is very Pro-Green(goes with my gray/blue eyes), and Eco-Friendly(far be it for me to be a snob. I love people. Check Facebook. 'Nuf Said), I gravitated towards the M Series like Men to Christine. *sigh* (Your'e HOT! They look!)
Speaking of Christine, you ask how we met. Okay, you don't ask how we met. I will tell you anyway. It was during confessional, actually. Nah, that would've made for the best story though! I "met" her through a funny question that Victor Medina asked and tagged random pple to answer. Her answer was pretty funny for a pretty chick, so I friended her. And the rest, as they say is his/herstory.
All levity aside, (finally, eh?)this isn't JUST A TEE-SHIRT COMPANY.The fabric BREATHES. From workout clothing to nightwear, to a one piece dress named "Frieda"(no, "Christine!!!lol), each garment gets better with age, can be dressed up or down,is easy on the wallet, and environment.We are building a Marchuska Empire and we are really happy you are here to witness its growth, one tee at a time.

Dream Sweetly all,

Frieda Shor