Friday, September 12, 2008

where are we......?????

Well....I continue to be addicted to the Imogen Heap song....but it really sums up the day...."where are we, what the hell is going on?"  R and I had a crazy day running around the garment district.  We saw some interesting things....for instance a showroom, which we thought was a label making establishment, but instead a guy with blond spikey hair, combat boots and chains opened the door...inside was a blackboard with the following written in chalk "I will not be a nasty pig, I will not be a nasty pig, I will not be a nasty pig...."  Yeah I def didn't see that during my structured credit days.  Although there is a silver lining....the blond spikey haired owner of the establishment, "Nasty Pig", referred us to a great label maker so all was fine in the end.

The fun didn't ever seem to stop today as we learned that pima cotton can come in some super soft variations.  We also literally stumbled upon the actual distributor of all the fabric to all of the fabric stores in NYC, who has literally millions and millions of yards of the world's finest fabrics here in NYC.  His store has been around since the 1950s....and apparently we just missed Natalie Portman, her bf and her father who were in the store minutes before us checking out fabric.  The owner informed us that her dad sells fabric in Tel Aviv.

Other than that we saw some sketchy snap guy and an amazing office/showroom space if we had some dolla dolla bills y'all.  I have to say though the last 2 days have been amazingly awesomely productive...the garment district really is a gem!

Tomorrow is another adventure with a meeting with the founder of Bonobos and lots of number crunching.  I hope everyone has a fab fab night....try to stay dry!!  Also, keep the amazing one-liners, phrases, slogans coming!!!!!  I have seem some really great stuff for the contest and this is only the beginning!!!

Buh bye lovers,


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