Friday, September 12, 2008

Lifting offers on Marchuska tees from the upper east side trading floor....

Hello, hola, allo.....

Well, you can take the girls out of finance, but can't take the finance out of the girls.  Yesterday, two ex-Morgan Stanley-ers set up shop on the upper e with a makeshift trading floor....yes R and I wanted to establish a working environment similar to what we had in finance.....because after all there is no better setup for a flow of ideas and communication than a trading floor.  However, we weren't talking stocks, bonds or the piece of crap GLD etf that I never should have bought...  We were talking fabrics, US based mills and onesies.  Plan to see some interesting ideas coming out of this new well as some crazy dance moves ;)  And yes R might kill me if I play that Imogen Heap Hide and Seek song again.....ha - I'm listening to it right now....after all they do mention sewing machines in it.

This week has been an uber productive one and I want to end it on a bing bang boom (can you tell that I already hit up the gym and am sipping an iced coffee?!).....  Alright all you esteemed people out there....Marchuska is having a contest.  We want you to submit your most creative, most ridiculous, most awesome sayings for our first screen printed mseries t.  We will go through all of the sayings, pick the best four and then you will vote!!  The winning saying will go on a mseries t sans epaulettes....(for all of you non Frenchies - that means without epaulettes).  We will print the saying on 100 tees giving the street cred to you.....  Now here's the hook - the sayings can't already be used, cannot involve politics (i.e. the upcoming most talked about election) or religion.  Also, please no obscenities.....cmon  people --- you know I came from a conservative household and a liberal education, but I still can't have Mama Marchuska seeing our name tainted with swear words.

So here is your mission....send this contest out to everyone you know.....I MEAN EVERYONE - friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, parents, cardio relatives (Frieda-ism), colleagues, offices!!!  Have them submit their sayings to me at by Tuesday, September 30th 2008.  It's Friday and I am sure most of you are hungover from last night and the week, but get going....this is big time!!!!

Let the games begin.....
Happy Friday-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I already have the name you are going to use.
This is part of what I love about Marketing. The creative part. I will email it to you.
I am willing to bet a Venti Frapchuskaccino,(hold the frap, and the vent) that this will be our OFFICIAL SLOGAN.
Frieda Marchuska