Monday, October 6, 2008


Good evening and happy monday (well not to all of the finance people out there----Dow below 10,000....ughhh)-

I have the winner of the first Marchuska screen printed tee contest.....Kelly Jones with "Vivons Vert" (which is Let's Live Green in French). We will be printing it on the white mseries t 50 in his cut and 50 in hers get your orders in!!

On another slogan/marketing note: Marchuska publicist and fashionable NYC socialite Frieda Shor has coined the Marchuska marketing slogan which you can find on our revamped website later this week.....drumroll please....."Marchuska: Redefining T(ease)"

Also, on our revamped website, another amazing slogan which Ruben Vargas created, "Conservation.Style.Substance." Both of these slogans will also be printed on tees in the upcoming weeks and months.

Thank you to everyone who participated!!!! Let me know if you have orders for the winning tee by Kelly Jones and also let me know what contest you would like to see next from Marchuska.

Stay warm if you are in upstate ny tonight like me ;)


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