Wednesday, September 3, 2008

NY Girl Deflowered

OMG! that's all i can say. i've been officially deflowered as a ny girl. i'm sad to admit that today @ 9pm on 9/3/08, i left my cell phone in the back of a cab. Who DOES that?! apparently many ny girls and boys. : - (

if it wasn't for victor answering his phone and my mom calling me to figure out where the heck i am, i would never have even noticed that the phone was missing! i think i've lost it (my job, my apartment, my man, my phone). does it get any worse?!

all christine can do right now is laugh at me because she knows it's so true. my god, i really hope this is as low as it goes.

on a good note, i met some really awesome people tonight at a fantastic pre-fashion week party on the LES. rivington hotel has a spectacular rooftop view. great friends, great drinks...just no phone.

i quit. i'm done being a consultant for marchuska. this job is becoming too stressful.

oy yoi yoi,

1 comment:

Christine said...

Wally is on the loose....Mia is phoneless....Matt is in LA....what a crazy Wednesday night....keep it real and see what happens tomorrow xoxo